Types of art making

Maggie uses a variety of mediums in her therapy, including paint, crayon, oil and chalk pastels, pencils, markers, collage, sculpture, clay, mask making, storytelling, writing, poetry, postcards, sound making, song, gesture and movement.
Maggie is a recognised practitioner at the Institute of Sensorimotor Art Therapy, where she learned a variety of art therapy modalities. A session may use one or a mixture of mediums. No prior experience with art making is required.
Guided Drawing®
Maggie often uses elements of Guided Drawing®, a type of drawing therapy that helps to restore nervous system regulation through the hands, the body and rhythm.
The approach encourages listening to inner guidance, to what the body needs to restore self-esteem, balance and health.

Work at the Clay Field®
Maggie draws on Work at the Clay Field®, a discipline that has been developed in Europe over the past 40 years by Professor Heinz Deuser, a German art therapist.
Clay Field is recognised as a discipline in its own right, with over 500 Clay Field Therapists currently practising in German kindergartens, schools, prisons and psychotherapy settings.
In the Clay Field, our hands first express our old stories and then go on to rewrite them. There is no particular object to create, no expectation to make something – we simply follow the innate urges of our hands.
The hands in clay may dig, squish, construct, destroy, push, poke, roll, smooth or add as much or as little water as they like.